Sunday, December 11, 2011

I want to learn Japanese?I want to speak Japanese

It is nice if i had chance to learn Japanese.Have anyone want to teach me about Japanese??
I hope, one day i can speak Japanese well...I wish it will become true...

Waa...aku nak belajar Bahasa Jepun..Tolong le...
Sekarang ni baru je belajar camner nak introduce myself in Japanese...

Just like this...

watashiwa athirah desu
yoroshiku oneigai shimasu..

tu je yg aku tau setakat ni..benda2 cam gitu je la...aku nk belajar die punye grammar,tatabahase die,sume lah..
Ini hasrat saya...
setakat konnichiwa,konbanwa,ohayo,oyasumi,...bende2 tu da aku hafal..n aku praktiskan die...

I wish one day i will understand the Japanese movie without the subtitle...
And i wish i can speak Japanese well without the text..just like i speak Malay..
I have an idea,But it is just a plan..
After SPM..I want to take tuition to learn Japanese...So,starting from now,i have to collect money..umm,,a lot of money for the tuition..

Tutor blajo bahase jepun ni memang agak mahal..aku rasa...sebab tenaga pengajarnye kurang..mungkin..
Aritu check kat internet,tentang bende ni le..
Aku tengok,wow....
RM98 per month...class once a weeks

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